How to Take Care of your Eyes During the Summer Season

It is important to care for your eyes as well as possible during the Summer months – particularly as temperatures soar! Believe it or not, your eyes can in fact get sunburned just like your skin does when you don’t take the necessary steps to protect yourself from harmful UV rays. There are things you can do to prevent eye damage from the sun and other external factors and we’re here to best advise you with our top tips!

  • Always Wear Sunglasses with Proper UV Protection

First and foremost (and we know this goes without saying), be sure to wear sunglasses that have 100% protection from UVA and UVB rays. While it might be tempting to choose the easy and affordable option, it is crucial that you don’t cheap out on dollar or grocery store glasses if you want to protect your eyes properly. Many of us can be restricted by budget when it comes to buying sunglasses but those cheap sunglass frames bought from places like a thrift store do not have proper UV coating and this coating is essential in protecting your eyes from the sun.

  • Combine Your Sunnies with a bucket hat

Our next tip is to wear a hat when you’re outside in the sun. You might be wondering why an optometrist is suggesting this. Most sunglasses have gaps on the sides that let UV rays in so anytime you combine your sunglasses with a good hat, it gives you additional protection. Broad-brimmed bucket hats are the best choice because they shield your scalp, face and eyes from exposure.

  • Take Extra Measures to Protect your Eyes during Sports and Activities Outdoors

Take extra precautions when it comes to outdoor activities and sports in the summer. Whether you’re going camping or simply doing a spot of gardening, goggles are a great way to protect your eyes from harmful debris that could potentially lead to an unsightly or painful eye infection. Goggles are also useful during sports where projectile objects are involved and they can prevent serious injuries such as a corneal abrasion or fracture of the eye socket. Those who play basketball or partake in pool and water sports are typically most at risk for sports-related eye injuries. Always ensure that your goggles or safety glasses are made from impact-resistant materials like polycarbonate… and if you’re going to be out on the water, remember to wear goggles or sunglasses that have full UV protection as UV rays reflect off the water!

Lastly, here are a few extra pointers for taking care of those peepers in the Summer that might be of benefit to you and your family:

  1. Drink plenty of water – Common sense, especially in the hot weather but it is important to understand that as we become dehydrated in the sun, our bodies have a harder time producing tears which can ultimately lead to dry eye symptoms.

  2. Use eye drops – The summertime is notorious for allergies so remember to top up on eye drops and use them as you need. The same thing goes for any dry eye symptoms.

  3. Eat healthy summer produce – We are what we eat so eat well! You’ll benefit in a huge way from eating the following foods as they contain lots of different nutrients that can improve the health of our eyes; green leafy veg, eggs, nuts, oranges, natural fruit juices, salmon and oily fish, oysters and pork.

Teri Hines