Why kids should wear sunglasses too?

Everyone has heard of the harmful effects of UV exposure and likely the first thing that pops into mind when thinking about your kid is sunscreen! Yes sunscreen can be number one on your list BUT sunglasses should definitely be #2! Sunscreen will protect their skin, sunglasses will protect their eyes, throw in a sun hat for an added layer of protection and you’ll be good to go.


UV damage is cumulative so it is very important to start young when it comes to protecting against UV rays. According to the World Health Organization it is estimated that 80% of UV exposure happens before the age of 18. But why?

  • Kids spend more time outside than the average adult

  • Kids have larger pupils to let in more UV rays

  • Kids have clear corneas and lenses which allows more UV into the eye

Wondering if your kids need sunglasses on a cloudy day? They absolutely do! Clouds won’t stop UV rays from passing through and actually only block around 10% of UV rays! Unfortunately this means your little one is still at risk of being harmed by the remaining 90%. When should they start wearing sunglasses? AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Yes they may resist them at first but if you keep reminding them that sunglasses are super cool, they will soon learn to put them on every time they go outside.

Tips to get you kid to wear sunglasses

  • Practice what you preach, wear your own sunglasses and talk to your kids about why you wear yours!

  • Get a strap so they can’t pull them off

  • Get properly fit sunglasses that stay on their face. Poorly fitting sunglasses are uncomfortable!


Here is a word of caution: Not all sunglasses are made equally. Don’t be fooled by glasses that just say UV protection or “Blocks UV rays” the key is how much UV protection. Sunglasses should be 100% UV blocking. If you want to know if your sunglasses are 100% UV blocking you can bring them into our office and we can check for you with our automatic lensometer.

Summer is coming and our stock of awesome RayBan kids sunglasses have already arrived. Stop by or book your shopping appointment today.

Teri Hines