Relieving Your Dry Eye

Dry eyes: When your eyes feel like the Sahara desert and are itching or stinging, living with it can significantly affect your quality of life.

We are here to help you get rid of those sore, dry eyes!


What causes dry eyes?

  • A lack of balance in your tear flow system that may cause your eyes to dry out.

  • Regular use of an air conditioner or heater.

  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid problems, rheumatoid athritis and auto-immune diseases

  • Weather: Cold, winter air can contribute to dry eyes.

  • Age: It’s unavoidable and, while natural, aging can take a toll on the eyes.

  • Screen use: As use of technology has increased over years, studies have found that we blink less with screen use!

What are some dry eye treatments?

Artificial tears are usually the first line of defense to cure your dry eyes! At View Optometry you can find 2 types of drops. I-Drop Pur relieves mild to moderate dry eyes, it’s preservative-free and can be used with contact lenses. I-Drop Pur Gel is great for more severe cases of dry eye and although this one is not contact lens compatible, it does contain a lubricant that promotes coating and re-coating of the surface of the eye with EVERY blink!


Hot and cold compresses. These are great for the eyes, they are versatile and can relieve pain symptoms you may be experiencing, A hot compress is recommended when the glands on the eyelid are not producing oils properly to coat the eye. These oils prevent tears from evaporating which will improve the quality of your tear film and maintain a moist, healthy ocular surface. A cool compress is recommended when the eyes are feeling itchy or puffy, commonly noted with allergy flare-ups. The I-Relief compress is antibacterial which promotes general eye health and can be used either hot or cold.

Omega 3 supplements (Fish Oil)! Bet you didn’t think this could help your dry eyes! The fatty acids in Omega 3 such as DHA and EPA are known to relieve inflammation and create healthy oils on the eye’s surface. As an added bonus, Omega 3 vitamins have many other great health benefits such as lowering blood pressure. Keep in mind that not all omega-3 supplements are created equal, and with so many products on the shelf it can be confusing to choose the right one for you. Come see us to find out which supplement is best for you!

Eyelid cleansers are another solution that may not immediately come to mind but can be an essential part of your eye health routine. Cleaning your lids, especially for anyone wearing makeup, is a crucial part of keeping your eyelids and lashes happy and healthy. I-Lid ‘N Lash is a daily cleanser that removes eye debris and makeup, If you have sensitive skin, no worries! This cleanser is gentle and free of preservatives - it doesn’t sting or burn sensitive skin, and our own staff can attest to this.

While you may go to your GP for dry eyes, we encourage you to see an optometrist first, as ocular health is their specialty and they can recommend specific products tailored to your dry eye needs. View Optometry does carry all of these products and we would be happy to assist you with any questions that you may have regarding your eye health.

Teri Hines